Compiling a Linux Kernel
Updated September 20, 2001
Created May 08, 2001

This is the new Kernel Section (May 2001) and at least the kernel building part is finally completed out in a nice looking manner.

The old kernel section has needed help for so long that I decided to finally redo the page correctly. Here it is, enjoy!

Required Packages

Note: The correct required packages will be installed if you choose both "Development" and "Kernel Development" during the installation of Red Hat.

Note: The following packages are listed in their order of dependency.

Red Hat 7.0 and 7.1 Packages:

  1. glibc-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  2. ncurses-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  3. kernel-headers-x.x.x-x.0.i386.rpm
  4. kernel-source-x.x.x-x.0.i386.rpm
  5. glibc-devel-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  6. cpp-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  7. make-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  8. ncurses-devel-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  9. libstdc++-devel-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  10. gcc-c++-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm
  11. dev86-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm (contains the x86 Assembler)

Red Hat 6.2 Packages:

  1. glibc-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm
  2. ncurses-5.0-11.i386.rpm
  3. kernel-headers-2.2.14-5.0.i386.rpm
  4. kernel-source-2.2.14-5.0.i386.rpm
  5. glibc-devel-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm
  6. cpp-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm
  7. make-3.78.1-4.i386.rpm
  8. ncurses-devel-5.0-11.i386.rpm
  9. egcs-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm
  10. egcs-objc-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm
  11. dev86-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm (contains the x86 Assembler)
Red Hat Prior to version 6.2:

x86 Assembler: as86
The x86 Assembler, as86, prior to Red Hat 6.1 was found in the binutils-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm package. as86, for Red Hat 6.1 and above, is in the dev86-x.x.x-x.i386.rpm package.

Optional Packages in addition to the above required packages:
  1. kernel-doc-2.2.14-5.0.i386.rpm <---- Optional
  2. glibc-profile-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm <---- Optional
  3. egcs-g77-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm <---- Optional
  4. egcs-c++-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm <---- Optional

Selecting "kernel development" during a custom install of Red Hat 6.2 will automatically select "development" and "kernel development" and will install all of the above packages from the required list and "egcs-c++-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm" from the list of optional packages. Packages that are not installed are the following:
  1. kernel-doc-2.2.14-5.0.i386.rpm <---- Optional
  2. glibc-profile-2.1.3-15.i386.rpm <---- Optional
  3. egcs-g77-1.1.2-30.i386.rpm <---- Optional

Steps to rebuild the kernel

  1. Change directory to the Linux source directory

    While building the kernel you will remain in this directory to execute each of the commands.

    To modify the stock kernel on Red Hat just change directory to /usr/src/linux. Downloaded kernels do not have to be put into /usr/src.

    /usr/src/linux is a soft link that points to the current Linux source directory, for example: ln -s linux-2.4.2 /usr/src/linux

  2. Edit the EXTRAVERSION = line in the Makefile

    The "EXTRAVERSION = " line at the top of the Makefile determines the directory names, kernel names, etc. that will be used when creating a new kernel and modules. Updating this line will prevent confusion and will prevent the system from stepping on itself. By changing this line, you no longer have to move the old "/lib/modules/x.x.x" directory out of the way.

    The method I commonly use for the extraversion line is to put the date and time. Here is an example of the extraversion if I were to build a new smp (smp = multiprocessing) kernel on May 18, 2001 at 4:30pm (note the leading dash, good for easier reading):
    EXTRAVERSION = -20010518-1630smp
    If I were building the same kernel as non-smp, I would create the extraversion line in the Makefile as follows:
    EXTRAVERSION = -20010518-1630
  3. make mrproper (first time / optional after first time)

    The command "make mrproper" does a really thorough clean up job and includes removing any old .config files lying around in the source directory.

    Note: You may not want to run "make mrproper" each time you try to build a kernel. I would recommend running this command at least on the first time you build a kernel.

  4. Set up arch/i386/defconfig (optional, I recommend doing this)

    The purpose of this step is to make sure that arch/i386/defconfig is populated to suit your needs.

    When running commands such as "make oldconfig" or "make xconfig", they first read the file "arch/i386/defconfig" for default answers. When running "make oldconfig", for example, it will pull all answers from this arch/i386/defconfig file to create a new .config file and then for anything it doesn't have an answer for it will prompt you for the answer.

    I highly recommend having a good arch/i386/defconfig file in place, it makes generating a good .config file much easier -- without it you would have to answer lots and lots of questions when creating a new .config file in the following kernel building steps.

    You can populate arch/i386/defconfig in one of at least 3 ways:

  5. Generate the ".config" file

    Note: Choose one of the following methods to generate the ".config" file (kernel configuration file).

  6. Configure the kernel

    Now that you have your ".config" file in place we should work with it to build the kernel you want (also called configuring the kernel).

    Note: Choose one of the following methods to configure the kernel.

    Note: "make xconfig" should be the easiest kernel configuration utility to use.

  7. make clean

    "make clean" will clean up stale files in the kernel source directories.

  8. make dep

    "make dep" will create the dependency files needed.

  9. Build the kernel

    Note: Choose bzImage to build the kernel.

  10. make modules

    This command will generate the kernel modules.

  11. make modules_install

    This command will install the kernel modules. These modules will be placed into a directory in /lib/modules. Again, the directory name that is used is determined by the "EXTRAVERSION = " line in the Makefile, so be sure to update the EXTRAVERSION information each time you attempt to build a new kernel.

  12. Install the kernel (/boot)

    Copy and Rename: Copy and rename the kernel from arch/i386/bzImage to /boot/vmlinuz-newkernelversion. Here's a sample of an smp kernel 2.4.2 built on May 18, 2001 at 4:30pm:
    cp arch/i386/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.2-20010518-1630smp
    Create Link: You may also create a soft link for /boot/vmlinuz:
    ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.2-20010518-1630smp /boot/vmlinuz
    Note: If the old /boot/vmlinuz is a file (and not a symbolic link) I would rename it to vmlinuz-old.

    Note: If the old /boot/vmlinuz is a symbolic link I would remove that link and then generate the new one as shown above.

  13. Install the (/boot) gets generated in the kernel source directory (the current directory - see step 1)

    Copy and Rename: I would recommend to rename this file by using the same naming convention as was used for the modules directory (/lib/modules/2.4.2-x.x.x-x). Here's a sample of a file for an smp kernel 2.4.2 built on May 18, 2001 at 4:30pm:
    cp /boot/
    Create Link: I would then create a soft link for /boot/
    ln -s /boot/ /boot/
    Note: If the old /boot/ is a file (and not a symbolic link) I would rename it to

    Note: If the old /boot/ is a symbolic link I would remove that link and then generate the new one as shown above.

    Note: maps out kernel functions. It appears that this file is useful for debugging kernel problems and may not be required for correct kernel operation.

  14. Create a new initrd and install it

    The initrd contains SCSI drivers needed at boot time.

    The initrd (or initial ram disk) gets loaded during the boot process at the same time the kernel loads. This gets around the chicken and the egg syndrome where the SCSI driver is on the hard drive, but you can't access the hard drive until you load the SCSI driver.

    Note: An initrd should be created only if you are loading SCSI drivers (and Compaq array drivers) as modules. If you do not have any SCSI drivers (or Compaq array drivers) being loaded as modules, they you do not need to make an initrd.

    Creating an initrd is easy:

    1. Verify the contents of /etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf (depending on which version you have)

      If you load your SCSI driver as a module you should have a line for your SCSI boot device similar to one of the following:
      alias scsi_hostadapter cpqarray
      alias scsi_hostadapter1 ncr53c8xx
      alias scsi_hostadapter2 ncr53c8xx
      Note: If you have multiple controllers, then the boot one should be assigned to "scsi_hostadapter" and the other controllers should each increment the count "scsi_hostadapter1" "scsi_hostadapter2" "...".

    2. Run the mkinitrd command

      Be sure to use the same naming convention as we did for the /lib/modules, vmlinuz, and
      mkinitrd -v /boot/initrd-2.4.2-20010518-1630smp.img 2.4.2-20010518-1630smp
      The above command syntax is:

      • -v = verbose
      • /boot/initrd-2.4.2-20010518-1630smp.img = file to generate
      • 2.4.2-20010518-1630smp = directory to grab modules from (/lib/modules/x.x.x-x)

    3. You may wish to generate a soft link for initrd as well:
      ln -s /boot/initrd-2.4.2-20010518-1630smp.img /boot/initrd.img
  15. Check the contents of /etc/lilo.conf

    For /etc/lilo.conf I would recommend at least 2 stanzas:

    Each "label=" line in /etc/lilo.conf should be unique.

    These entries in /etc/lilo.conf can be made to reference soft links or made to reference actual files.

    It has been recommended to have one section using soft links for vmlinuz so that you can use the "make install" routine to install a Linux kernel and it will automatically put the kernel in place, attach the soft link for vmlinuz to the new kernel in /boot, and automatically run /sbin/lilo. You will; however, still have to generate a new initrd, put it in place, edit /etc/lilo.conf, and run /sbin/lilo again. I'm not sure if "make install" puts the new in place for you or not - I'll have to check.

    Here is a sample /etc/lilo.conf:
    For the above, I would rename the section with label=linux to label=linux-old. Then I would more than likely add a new section as follows:
    And we could also add a section like this:
    Verify that you have an old section pointing to your old kernel - in case your new one doesn't boot.

    Also verify that you have a new section pointing to your new kernel:

    Note: the "z" in vmlinuz stands for compression; therefore, vmlinux is an uncompressed kernel.

    Note: Adjust the default= and timeout= values as needed.

  16. /sbin/lilo

    After verifying that /etc/lilo.conf is pointing to all the correct places, finally run /sbin/lilo.

    You should now be able to reboot onto your new kernel.

Monitoring your kernel build

You may capture the output of building your kernel in several ways.

  1. Use the "script" command.

    Once script is started it will log everything to "typescript". When you are done logging type the word exit. You may then review the contents of "typescript".

  2. You can run individual commands like so and have normal output and error go to separate files:
    your_command 2>>kernel_err.log 1>>kernel_out.log
  3. You can run all the commands in a for loop and have individual output/error logs generated:
    cd /usr/src/linux; 
    vi Makefile; 
    for X in mrproper xconfig clean dep bzImage modules modules_install; do
        make $X 2>/tmp/kernel-${X}-error.log 1>/tmp/kernel-${X}-output.log;
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo Error, check error logs in /tmp
  4. You can run all the commands in a for loop and have all output and errors dump to 1 output file and 1 error file:
    cd /usr/src/linux; 
    vi Makefile; 
    for X in mrproper xconfig clean dep bzImage modules modules_install; do
        echo "---------------------- starting make $X --------------"
        echo "---------------------- starting make $X --------------" >2
        make $X;
        echo "---------------------- ending make $X --------------"
        echo "---------------------- ending make $X --------------" >2
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo Error, check error logs in /tmp
    done 2>/tmp/kernel-error.log 1>/tmp/kernel-output.log
If the above sections of code need adjustment please email me contact.html. I have used them in the past; however, I am writing them here from memory.

SMP on older Compaq ProLiant Servers

Compaq's early SystemPro/ProLiant SMP design was created long before the Intel MPS specification. Since the 2.2 and 2.4 Linux kernels only support Intel MPS architectures, these early MP servers can only be used in single processor mode:

ProLiant 2000
ProLiant 4000
ProLiant 4500

Compaq is considering making its early MP specifications available to the public, or even adding the support to the Linux kernel. If you are interested in participating in the development of such support, or have one of these servers you would like to run Linux SMP, please send an email to Be sure to put John Cagle's name in the email so it will be forwarded to him.

Other files in /boot:

Discuss these files later:
Discuss these parts of /etc/lilo.conf:
map seems to have something to do with the messages file - see man lilo.conf for more information.

To be completed at a later date...

Sample kernel build

To be completed at a later date...

The Previous Version of this Kernel Build Page

The old kernel building page: kernel-old.html just in case you need it.


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